What the Code Like a Girl programme is about?

Vodacom’s Code Like a Girl programme is an initiative that contributes to building a more digital, inclusive, sustainable future on the continent while tackling low representation of women in Information Technology education through a structured educational programme. The purpose is to introduce girls to coding basics and career paths that are related to current and future skills gaps while also building a talent pipeline that speaks to our current and future skills needs.

How the program will be delivered?

The Virtual Coding Bootcamps are hosted online, accessible to girls from anywhere in the country.

Who should register for the program?

  • - Girls between ages of 14 – 18 who are interested in the Information Technology (IT) career path.
  • - For the virtual coding bootcamp, the learner must have access to their own computer and internet connectivity.
  • Why should you attend the program?

    Get earmarked for our Mainstream Bursary Program, which opens doors to our Early Career Programs and a long-term career journey at Vodacom. Get a head start on coding basics and learn how it affects and shapes the current and future world of work. Launch a coding career path by earning an accredited qualification.